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3 events in Sydney and Melbourne

1. Ian Andrews Retrospective: electro-matic
6 films plus live sound/visual perfomance
Monday 18 June 8:45 & Wednesday 20th June 12 Noon
Dendy Theatre 2 Circular Quay Sydney $13.20
further info: http://www.dLux.org.au

2. >impermanent.audio 1930hr.sun.24.june

-scott horscroft
-the horse he's sick (ian andrews)
Imperial Slacks 2/111 Campbell St Surry Hills Sydney $5/7

3. claire-voyance (part of sideshow, part of Melbourne International Film
Festival). sat 21 July & Fri 27 July Cherry bar (off Flinders Lane)
Melbourne $?
Live digital sound performance to video by Ian Andrews + Olaf Meyer & John

Ian Andrews:  The Horse He's Sick, Disco Stu, Hypnoblob, Kurt Volentine,
Cut with the Kitchen Knife, Sanity Clause, Battleship Potato, Operation
Bodyshirt, Zeroville, Target Audience, NBP, Organarchy,
Subvertigo.....Lymph, Borgia Ginz...
PO box A387 Sydney South NSW 1235 Australia