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Re: [microsound] A plea from Alejandro Jodorowsky

One of my roomates keeps bringing amazing videotapes into our house (such
as reruns of Kojak and Chico and the Man)....last night he brought a
back-to-back VH1 behind the music double header, profiling Metallica and
Motley Crue. 
For the Metallica special, they interviewed Lars Ulrich's dad, _Torbin
Ulrich_, a balls-to-the-wall scion of pure bearded Asatru chi. Will the
Danes ever stop kicking azz? 
We resolved then and there to give up our plans for next year, in favor of
touring Sweden in a Winnebago equipped with a Spy Hunter style oil slick.

Is anyone else on this sort of wavelength? 

Another film recomendation:

Succubus, starring William Shatner and entirely in esperanto. Fetch the
smeeling salts. 


> by the way, the music for El Topo was arranged by a guy named Nacho
> Mendez. If that name doesn't rule the world , I don't know what does. 
> Fucking hell.
> -Ian
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2001, david turgeon wrote:
> > 
> > >i was so glad to finally see The Holy Mountain on video when a friend turned
> > >up at my house with a bootleg Japanese copy about 5 years ago - it blew my
> > >head off!
> > >El Topo was shown on BBC2 a few years back and that did the same!
> > >they both got video releases last year over here (England)
> > >but i believe they have since been withdrawn due to Allen Klein being such a
> > >'whatever'.
> > 
> > & i missed _el topo_ by about 10 minutes the other night, argh!
> > 
> > i'm not sure what this allen klein story is all about, anyone?  feel free 
> > to email me offlist if you don't think this is on-topic.  :)
> > 
> > ~ david
> > 
> > 
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> Ian Yeager         
> igy2k
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Ian Yeager         