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RE: [microsound] Re: microsound Digest 25 Jul 2001 01:46:26 -0000 Issue 362

:i'd say that new directions are one thing, but anything other than
:compositions' don't really belong on a release meant for
:consumers! keep the

in traditional japanese art there is two primary schools of thinking when it
comes to defining genius of an artist.  one has a transparent nature to it.
the volume along with with shining moments defines a genius.  the other, of
course, is that artist can be considered a genius even if there is only one
piece available to study granted that piece is worthy.  baseball has this
similar argument with the hall fame.  the beginnings of a quality vs quanity

now, as stated above, this breaks down when money is being exchanged for all
this, as does a lot of notions about art.  however, it is instructive and
relative to the debates when have all seen concerning process vs. end

as for Ae.  i have read Ae apologists for the last 3 or 4 releases stating
that they were 'compositions in progress.'  i find that funny only because i
wonder what sean and rob would say about that especially considering most
their (quite fine, imo) early work seems quite well thought out and
developed (i have not heard their latest release.)  it also opens the debate
about what is a finial composition and who decides that or does that really
matter.  personally, i rather find it hard to determine when a composition
is done or not.  generally, a piece is done for me when i lose interest in

also, as for similar work to choc industries, schematics, or Ae, i find
lexaunculpt the cream of the crop - though devine and del rosa have shown
sparks of brillances.  then again, i may be a bit bias and have the pleasure
of having heard much that has been yet to be released by lex.  as his
release are currently somewhat hard to come by, i would be happy to share
some material i have.  you could also go to www.glitchpop.net/snd.html and
download a live set from last summer - though not terribly reflected of his
current work (as well as piece from myself and randy jones, www.2uptech.com,
who is playing the upcoming transoo3 festival)


(an aside:  i also recommend this nice little article about japanese
mathematics, another fisherman hobby: