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Re: [microsound] nn spew

Derek Pierce writes:
> Hi
> I 'd like to say that i have already had enough of nn on some of the other
> list she has bneen banned from  the csound list.
> I would hope that this list is not going to devote any more time to the
> ravings of nn. If she is so pissed off with everyone ripping her off or
> whatever why doent she sue them .

But it might be instructive for those of us merely on microsound to at
least have an expansion of this curious abbreviation "nn" -- if we are
going to be inundated with meta-comments on what everyone is calling
"nn spew", if not the "nn spew" itself, that is.  Otherwise this
sounds like a conversation that should be going on on an IRC channel

And yes, I was on the list the last time the subject of this person's
rants came around ...