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Re: microsound Digest 3 Aug 2001 01:28:21 -0000 Issue 370

> From: david turgeon <david.t@xxxxxxxx>
> To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> to be true, neil...  from the little i've witnessed so far, it seems nn
> has a problem with nonprofits in general & not just this particular one.

Nonprofit organizations which charge varying amounts of money
for things like studio time or workshops/tutorials are not that uncommon.
Harvestworks comes to mind here as a successful NYC-based example
who have and continue to do good works on a shoestring. I wouldn't be
at all surprised to discover that one or more of the founding members of
InterAccess looked carefully at Harvestworks as one possible model at
some point in their creation.

knowledge is not enough/science is not enough/
love is dreaming/this equation/Gregory Taylor/
WORT-FM 89.9/Madison, WI/ http://www.rtqe.net/