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- To: tangerina@xxxxxxxxx, Susana Neves <neibes@xxxxxxxxxxx>, susana lourenco marques <lourencomarques@xxxxxxx>, Sera G <supergirls@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Sara <tangerina@xxxxxxx>, Sara <gostodele@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Rui Santiago <ruisantiago@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Rui Guimarães <rguimaraes@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Rui Fortuna <ruifortuna@xxxxxxxxxxx>, ricardo cardoso <correiodoricardo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Raluca <lalumo@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Patrícia Alvim <patricialvim@xxxxxxxxxxx>, monica santos <mokynna@xxxxxxxxxxx>, microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Manuela Porceddu <manuela@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Luisa Ribas <lribas@xxxxxxxxxxx>, jan szweryn <jszweryn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, isabel botelho <botehlo@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Hugo Santos <aleluiababy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: virus
- From: edo <edo@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 18:43:07 +0100
Recebeste um mail meu com o seguinte texto?...
"Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks"
....e um ficheiro com o nome: 21-25 mai.doc.pif ?
Então não abras o anexo pois trata-se de um virus que teve a brilhante ideia de querer conhecer todos os contactos da minha lista.
Peço desculpa
have you received from me a mail with a text like this?:...
"Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks"
....and a file with the name: 21-25 mai.doc.pif
Then dont open the attach, its a virus, the sircam worm, that used my address list to self send itself
My apologises
Hai ricevuto da me un mail cosí?...
"Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks"
....e anche un file chiamato: 21-24 mai.doc.pif ?
Allora fai attenzione perché si tratta di un pericoloso virus, il rinomato sircam worm, che si ha auto-spedito per tutti gli indirizzi della mia agenda
Le mie scuse per il disagio