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Re: [microsound] for the last time?
> jeremy, you must read in derek's mind. i'm SURE he was reffering to 'nn
> but let's concede this to you anyway: 'nn spew' was an aberration & it
> obviously got out of hand. yet what excuse do you have? the bulk of your
> 20+ messages posted in the past 3-4 days were of no microsound interest
> whatsoever either.
David, if I reply to this post then I'm guilty of adding another pointless
message to the 20+... why are you continuing this? What thrill do you get
out of it? You could 'take this to email' but I have no interest in
discussing it in email because then I have to repeat myself to several
different people. If you want to continue this discussion on this list,
fine by me, but don't drag it on and then finger me as the culprit for
dragging it on!
> perhaps this is illustrative of your contempt towards "technical
> speech"? but then i remember this mr. jeremy tolsma who once chose to
> hammer on & on about the concept of "moment of execution"
moment of execution? I dont think I've ever used that terminology but
assuming I have, so what? I am not infalliable, I can get sucked into the
bullshit on this group that passes for communication. You're probably the
one who coined the nonsense term 'moment of execution' and I was probably
trying to make some sense out of it. As for technical information, I
couldn't operate my computer without it now could I? I've never seen any
manuals posted here, but why would there be?
>but by the 10th message on the topic with
> barely any change to your point (only a different set of words to adapt to
> the poster you were replying to), one has to wonder whether you can accept
> that others may not have the same frame of thought as you do.
What point? what are you talking about? Don't answer that, I don't care.
You sure like watching yourself type, dont you David. I respond to stupid
attacks and nonsense if I feel like it. If I'm repeating myself for 10
message that means I'm repsonding to 10 people posting the same crap.
Although none of that actually happened, and is apparently a figment of your
warped imagination.
> if you're old enough to have written textfiles then you surely know about
> "netiquette", which amounts to a charter of responsibilities for those who
> choose to participate in a free, open exchange of information. well
> jeremy, now's a GREAT time to apply it.
You first, asshole
> PS: this message could actually go for many people on the list who have
> done nothing but add to the flaming (i can even include myself in that
> group), which is why i have decided to post it publically instead of
> mailing it directly to jeremy. it is my naive hope that this message may
> kill the subject entirely (hahahaha, ahem, sorry).
Thats not naive its blatantly arrogant. If you want to kill the subject,
QUIT PERPETUATING IT, MORON. What kind of self-righteous jerk thinks that he
can storm in and take the roll of camp counsellor?
> ... in other words, please don't add to this thread (or any other
> flame-based thread) except privately. there's been enough wasted
> as it is. i will not respond publically to this thread.
Please dont respond privately either.