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Re: [microsound] field recording
on 23/08/01 11:23, I8U Muse at muse@xxxxxxx wrote:
> hello,
> this is somewhat unrelated to microsound but i thought some of you might
> have knowledge in this particular area.
> i have been invited to participate in a project which will involve
> recording of animals in the wilderness.
> my questions are :
> 1) what kind of microphones should i be using, considering that the
> animals will be as fas away as 300 feet from me.
Shotguns with a parabolic dish
> 2) what is the best way to position the mikes
Toward the animal, just like if you had a real gun...
> 3) omni directional or cardioid ?
Definetly cardioid. Anyway all shotguns are cardioid
Good luck, oh, BTW if you record big foot I would love to have a sample of
__________Louis Dufort__________