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perl was: linux distribution for audi()

        open(F,'>/dev/audio');$m='ub .  . quicksort techo .  . sl';
        1023;for(0..3){map{print F pack'C',$_;$m=~s{^(.)(.*)}{$2$1}
        ;printf"\e[%d;%dH$1",13.5-25*($_/1024),++$f%80+1}@o}}# yaxu
Perl is great.

perl is what got me back into programming 2 years & a half ago. it's a tricky & inspirational language. i haven't done anything music-related with it though (well, yes, building CD catalogues but that's another kind of related. :)

i suppose doing something like open(F,'>/dev/audio') implies that you're on a linux/unix box though, right? how can one access the sound card on a PC or mac platform? or would it be simpler to write directly to a WAV file?

.... not that i would know WHAT to write to that file... hrm, maybe i should stick to fruityloops & audiomulch after all.

~ david

np: tomas jirku _immaterial_ (the original version!)