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Re: [microsound] labels
On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 09:56:24 -0400 taylor deupree <taylor@xxxxxxx>
> being a label owner myself i agree with many points in pita's quoted
Hello Taylor. I understand what he was trying to say but I don't agree
with the attitude. From humble beginnings to pretentious disregard. This
is one of the many things about the music biz that sucks royale. It's
I have run a couple labels myself and I knew going in, of the potential
problems that may arise (such as an over abundance of demos). If a label
doesn't want to deal with demos then state that publically from the
beginning. If a label wants to hand-pick it's artists then perhaps they
should do that from the beginning as well.
There are ways to circumvent every problem. This prevailing attitude of
"why should I have to listen to something that is not very good" may be
brutally honest but is only an opinion and in a "public relation" e-mail
is sheer arrogance.
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