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Re: [microsound] NYC!!
i think ppl of arabic descent are facing tough times all around the world,
not only in the u.s. and the middle east. this sad happening will reinforce
the already strong prejudices against these ppl.
politically, bush will probably come stronger out of this crisis, as will
the israeli's.
would this have happened if the other one had become president? (rethoric?
i'm not out of this one yet).
> i too worry about what will happen to N. American Muslim people. I of
> course feel for the victims of todays event. I still haven't heard back
> from a friend who works in Manhattan. I also have to worry about how
> to respond it. I over heard a woman say today that she hoped they hunted
> down and killed "those islamic crazies" or something to that effect. I
> people don't start casting blaime on everyone of islamic/muslim descent.
> M Stevens wrote:
> > I have a friend who works someplace in Manhattan... can't get through on
> > the phone... he's not in the WTC, but may be within a couple of miles...
> > how worried should I be?
> >
> > I can't help but think about what Americans of pretty much any even
> > remotely Middle-Eastern descent are going to be put through over the
> > months to come because of this, regardless of who turns out to be
> > responsible.
> >
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