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[phonography] off topic- Denounce Jerry Falwells hateful
- Subject: [phonography] off topic- Denounce Jerry Falwells hateful
- Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 16:18:06 -0400
Dear Friends,
I have just read and signed the online petition:
"Denounce Jerry Falwell" , hosted on the web by
PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:
Falwell's recent (and past) comments against Arabs,Jews,Gays etc
wil serve only to polarize communties and incite verbal and/or
physical violence from americans on their neighbors.
Divide & conquer via ethnic & religious pretexts will not be tolerated.
Fallwells smug views and calls for donations only serve his
business and personal pocketbook-he doesnt give money to
people who really need it,nor does he ever support or care
for those who are non-white christian right-wing republicans.
His hypocricy & hatred is blinding....and dangerous in the
current state of mind our country is in at this time.
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