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invalidObject Series .mp3s

Dear All,

In case it's slipped through the net:


Various Artists | invalidObject Series
24 x 3"CD/.mp3
Limited Edition Series including: Pita, Pimmon, Scanner, Steve Roden,
Kim Cascone, Stephan Mathieu, Taylor Deupree, Richard Chartier, *0, Goem and
Akira Rabelais.

"A remarkable document of a vibrant artistic community and a critical moment
in the evolution of digital music." (Philip Sherburne).

"Impressive!" (Rob Young, Editor, The Wire)

The entire Series (360 tracks, i.e. six full hours' worth of audio) will be
available for free download in .mp3 format throughout September and October
2001 from the following location:



Take care,


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| 0000
| XXXX---- JEAN-LUC GODARD | NOUVELLE VAGUE --------------------- <>
| XXXX---- BJORK | VESPERTINE ----------- \\
| 0000 \\\\..\\\\

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