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Re: [microsound] invalidObject Series .mp3s
i downloaded the series when it was first made available last year and
strongly recommended them to list members - some excellent...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Murphy" <chris@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 12:16 PM
Subject: [microsound] invalidObject Series .mp3s
> Dear All,
> In case it's slipped through the net:
> ::::
> Various Artists | invalidObject Series
> 24 x 3"CD/.mp3
> Limited Edition Series including: Pita, Pimmon, Scanner, Steve Roden,
> Kim Cascone, Stephan Mathieu, Taylor Deupree, Richard Chartier, *0, Goem
> Akira Rabelais.
> "A remarkable document of a vibrant artistic community and a critical
> in the evolution of digital music." (Philip Sherburne).
> "Impressive!" (Rob Young, Editor, The Wire)
> The entire Series (360 tracks, i.e. six full hours' worth of audio) will
> available for free download in .mp3 format throughout September and
> 2001 from the following location:
> http://www.fallt.com/invalidObject
> ::::
> Take care,
> Christopher
> | """..NOW PLAYING..00.09.0001---||||...
> | 0000
> | XXXX---- JEAN-LUC GODARD | NOUVELLE VAGUE --------------------- <>
> | XXXX---- BJORK | VESPERTINE ----------- \\
> | 0000 \\\\..\\\\
> http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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