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enzymes with which to digest food for thought
i do not think a computer is inherently a materialist
object... a computer is as practical as a hammer, or
as revelatory as a window which provides a beautiful
view. it is merely a tool, and a portal for varous
means of expression, communication and intervention.
if i did not have my computer to make music, i would
surely use something else, and in the end, unless i
bartyred to accquire that something else, it would
be as materially corrupted as acquiring a laptop...
if it is the cost of the laptop that is the issue,
well then the blame lies not on the consumers, but
the industry who distribute these things... surely
we can't all be led to believe that computer
manufacturers are really trying to reach out to
the means by which we can all realize our artistic
aspirations. in the end, there is always the issue
of the buck to be made. but, the same rules apply
to the companies who manufacture canvases, paint, etc.
they are not there to directly provide the artistic
aspect of the media, just the solid hardware which
exhibits or acts as a conduit for the creative
i think then, microsound's role, once we have
it from the hardware, and realize that microsound, and
all music, is hardly just there because the
are there; then we must make music which isn't simply
made for the sake of being made... we must make music
which transcends the media with content which is
not obliged or constricted to the media with which it
was created... and so for the first time, i find
myself disagreeing with mcluhan's insistence that,
"the medium is the message." music exists with or
without media by which to channel it... the medium
merely makes the process slightly simpler.
my problem with microsound, is that i don't feel the
majority of microsound music is made to last beyond
the moment where the plugin with which it was composed
becomes outdated. most of it really IS just the
product of the technology, the inevitable detritus
can also be found in the pop world, the hip hop world,
et al. SOOOOOOOOO, microsounders, please make music
which gives to culture, and to humans, the same way
that humanitarian aid and compassion can help people,
music helps me, and surely, billions of other people
in a metaphysical manner. sorry if this is a bit
meandering... just kind of gushing, really.
i work a shitty retail job and it took me over a year
to save up for my computer, so you can definitely bet
that it's more than just a material object in my room.
with love,
cd-r's for sale or trade*******************
jean paul l'asthme: 'unstuck your eyeglue'*
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