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The Ambient Ping presents karmafarm with Automatic Fats
THE AMBIENT PING http://www.theambientping.com
@ club nia / C'est What - 19 Church St. at Front St. - Toronto
3 blocks east of the Union Station subway. (Doors open at 9pm)
map - http://www.cestwhat.com/map.html
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Good news on the ambient frontier. At the request of our host,
club nia / C'est What - The Ambient Ping will be going weekly
again. This means more opportunities for ambient, experimental
and chill-out artists to secure gigs in our crowded schedule and
a richer feast of ambient offerings for you - who made this happen
by supporting this year's Ambient Ping presentations - Thanks!
No more confusion... If it's Tuesday night - It's The Ping.
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This Tuesday October 9th - karmafarm with Automatic Fats
Electronic wizard Steven Sauve returns with the first karmafarm
show since April 2000. karmafarm combines Steven's ambient
systems music, oozing from his Nord modular synthesizer, with
his well respected keyboard techniques and live sound design.
For this show, he'll also be serving up some tasty beats from his
laptop computer and will be assisted by downtempo groover Matthew
Poulakakis (Automatic Fats) on sampler, synth, guitar & dub bass.
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Coming Tuesday October 16th - cheryl o with Andrew Aldridge
Experimental looping cellist cheryl o hits The Ping with some new
sound gadgetry plus her looping mentor - guitarist Andrew Aldridge,
who always brings fresh ideas and a fresh configuration of sonic
doodads and gizmos from his big effects toybox.
http://www.cellojuice.com http://www.energymadeaudible.com
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The Ambient Ping presents Toronto's finest ambient / experimental
live performers every Tuesday (1st set at 9:30) at club nia / C'est What -
featuring a comfortable lower stage area perfect for zoning in with
the artists plus a higher level with a bar, back room and more seating
for conversation, good food and the impressive beer, wine and whiskey
selection. Until further notice, there is no cover charge at nia shows!
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PS - I know many of you remember when Southern Po Boys Club
(The Ping's previous long-term residency) was locked up for non-
payment of rent, without warning us. A virtual version of that happened
early this week as The Ambient Ping's website-host closed down -
again without warning us. A new webhost has been arranged and as
you read this http://www.theambientping.com should be back online.
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Please forward this e-mail to any friends who may be
interested in live ambient and experimental performances.
To unsubscribe - reply with 'unsubcribe' in the e-mail body.
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