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Re: [microsound] OK, I know said I wasn't going to answer but...

I do have to full heartedly agree with Ian on this one, but electronic
music culture has always had that air to it. Its a far cry from the DIY
ways of punk rock which is where I came from. I had a hard time dealing
with all the over priced gigs, cds, equipment and othe rthings associated
with it all. And from a promotures persective I find is really sad that
any artist who does this music would could even ask for the amounts of
money that they ask for to play. In the greater skeam of things, I loose
my shirt each and every time I do a  gig becasue of it, whats wrong with
tewlling a promoture: as long as doing the gig does not cost me money Im
happy, please cover my basics (travel, loging, food) and if you turn a
profit from the gig then lets talk about paying me and how much.
But instead (and kim this is not directed at your recent private email to
me so please dont take this personally your not alone in your requests)
I get insane requests for gurreentees of hundreds of dollars in USD of
course (even when they are from germany or some other place), requests for
first class flights, delux hotel rooms, ect ect...
when the reality of it is that doing a show with any one particular
microsound artist draws a total of not more then 50 persons haflf of which
are on the guest list so that means 25 paying people if your lucky 35 at
no more then 10 bucks a head. if you do the math you can never break even
.... no matter what lets face it the culture of electronic music as a
whole. is that directed towards a previleged class...
some thing to think about...


On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Ian Guthrie Yeager wrote:

>I think microsound (someone remind me what the fuck microsound is again?
>oh yeah, some made-up 'hip' genre name that some people identify with,
>that's right.) is materialistic. Anyone who can afford that titanium power
>book, or can fly to festivals in vancouver, or nyc, or chicago, or
>wherever is doing just fine, in our global scheme of things.
>And there's nothing wrong with that, really. I support human freedom
>comfort and wealth.
>But why not acknowledge it as such, eh?
>On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, anechoic wrote:
>> >merely that
>> >praising (one could call Kim's articles such) and taking part in such an
>> >aesthetic, then denouncing it for its materialism reeks of an ingenuine
>> >attitude and hypocritical rhetoric.
>> perhaps you could read my post again and tell me exactly where I denounce
>> microsound as being materialistic?
>> __________________________
>> kim.cascone
>> kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> http://www.anechoicmedia.com
>> http://deadtech.net/kim_cascone.htm
>> http://www.fallt.com/dust/
>> http://fals.ch/fXz/z1.pl?fz=138
>> microsound hotline server: microsound.dyn.dhs.org
>> booking_info: http://www.tsjok.com
>> "unable to locate tangent"
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>Ian Yeager
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