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Re: [microsound] tools-mediums-questions++ - was: Re: [microsound]Csound/DirectCSound/PD
Derek and twerk, et al,
This is a very nicely instigated and posted thread. I've enjoyed all these
I couldn't agree more about the openness. If these artists are so badass
that they deserve our money and attention, they will surely be able to
survive the onslaught of a bunch of bedroom DJ's trying to imitate them. By
sharing the information (and hopefully code) from the outset, they provide a
challenge to the community (and themselves) to build upon it. So I guess I'm
talking about the larger community here, not just the one specific to a
particular platform/package.
I would have to say that any good artist can rise above the
platform/software issue. IE, the artist sounds like themselves, not
necessarily the tool. Great instrumentalists can make beautiful sounds with
shitty gear, and the same goes for electronic artists. I think it's possible
to run a Supercollider patch that you can't tell from a Kyma, and vice
versa. Although everyone has a favorite tool. As flexible as most packages
are, its more a matter of comfort, learning curve, than it is one of
capability. But, you can always use something for one thing, something else
for another...
I happen to know some people in the polish scene you mentioned. There are so
many guys over there using M on Atari's with patched together setups just
doing great shows. They don't have the some preoccupation with technology
progression that people elsewhere do. Not to rehash the previous thread on
US materialism, but I think this is an example ...
I've personally gone through a lot of tools, and I still use a wide range of
them. Some things are easier to do on some packages than others. I think
artists who only use one are really limiting themselves. It's like a
guitarist with one pedal and four chords. Of course there are times when
such things are appropriate. It could also be argued that some systems are
so amazing that you don't need anything else, but I do...
-rant complete
Garry Kling
(Insert snappy/insightful/
poetic/banal quote here)