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Re: [microsound] aesthetic approach

>  If we had to do everything on a laptop, or compose in MIDI, then
> I suppose we would have more rationalizations

-ever thought about combining these techniques..??  most of my sounds are
made the way you compose your music (..patching in all kinds of generative &
manipulative tools) and then i start to record, twist, turn, fade, cut,
copy, paste, whatever..   for me this is the ideal way of creating sound.
whether i work on a computer or with actual synths, i always record my
output, so i can capture whatever i do without having to think why i did it,
and later i have access to all those sounds and i can use my 'instinct' to
cut out what i dislike and amphasize what i like most. i think this way one
can create 'composed' music and also capture (personal) natural movement of


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