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2001 personal bests
ok, ok, i want to play too...
some interesting sounds and moments from 2001, one for each month, slightly
out of order:
1) Mouse on Mars: Live /Plan B, Portland
2) Invalid Objects Series: Fallt.com
3) Fennesz: Endless Summer /Mego
(yeah, mine and everyone else's...
is there a [microsound] Grammy?)
4) Ross Bencina: AudioMulch shareware
(version 09b9 released yesterday!)
5) Labradford: fixed::content /Blast First
(things you can still do with guitars)
6) Autechre/Daniel Menche: Live /Plan B, Portland
7) Down the Tunnelz Festival, Liepaja, Latvia
(imagine all the low-end of a drum&bass party
funnelled down the .5m by 1.5m sidetunnels of
an abandoned military bunker...my organs shook...)
8) Infernal Noise Brigade: Live /Mayday Parade, Portland
(anarchist marching band occupies Starbucks! film @11!)
9) Atomsmasher: Atomsmasher /Double H Noise Industries
10) Jan Jelinek: loop-finding-jazz-records /~scape
11) Monolake (+ visuals by Alexej Paryla): Live
/Sonic Acts, Amsterdam
12) Acoustic.Space.Lab, Irebene, Latvia
(tuning in to the music of the spheres.
*not a plug but a confession* really one
of the best moments of my year....)
Happy solstice,
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