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Re: [microsound] have a nice week-end
----- Original Message -----
From: "philippe petit" <philippe-petit@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 4:39 PM
Subject: [microsound] have a nice week-end
> > interested to know how you see the fat cat label as pretentious...seems
to me they are quite the opposite, as they are one of the few labels willing
to venture across genres.
> I'll agree with that assertion, FatCat have done a lot to spread good
music, through their obsessive eye zine and label
i do agree. It's not all my cup of tea on FatCat but others might like it.
And isn't that the way to discover something new.
And about the apextwin i must say that if he realy has those revolutionary
generetica why can't we hear it. Afaid to get ripped
off? So we will never hear anything new by him i guess couse people get
ripped off al the time all day long............
> > the issue raised is an interesting one...aphex twin blames the somewhat
tired sound of his new record on the fact that were he to release his
"revolutionary" generetica, he would simply be ripped off...dissemantion of
data now occurs at such a rapid pace that no "secret of abstraction" is
likely to remain such for long... does this force us to push boundaries, or
have they disappeared? has this locked experimental musics in a downward
spiral? should we wish for a return to the bad old days of elitism? ; )
> maybe instead of wondering on, and wondering, aand asking oneself
questions all day long people should concentrate on finding their own path,
composing their own music, or just living their life... if that sir knows
the "secret of abstraction" and wishes to keep it for himself, well good for
him. some years ago i met an alchemisst and it didn't make me becoming
> have a nice week-end
> philippe
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