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Hi, the Audium and more.

I recently discovered microsound while on the prowl for new music.  I saw something about Oval & Terre Taemlitz in a documentary on techno music.  My taste for electronic music began at an early age beginning with something like Mannheim Steamroller on  easy listening  FM, my fathers favorite type of radio station. Then through dance music of the 80's I discovered Industrial, then Techno, then Post Industrial, and on and on, etc.

Has anyone ever been to the Audium in San Francisco?  I finally made it there a couple of years ago and ever since, I wished there was such a performance space for some of my favorite music pioneers  ( at the time I was heavily into Download.....Yes Skinny Puppy before that). I actually made an attempt of sorts to propose to the Composer and inventor of the Audium that it might be very profitable and enlightening to open his instrument to other experimental composers. I was thinking not of charging the musicians but that dedicated fans pay quiet a lot to be at such a privileged event. I would.  The Audium seats 50 people at a time.  He politely declined and I never pursued further.

However,  maybe if there is more interest...?

The Audium is a dome space full of a hundred or so speakers. Overhead, behind, center, and below.  The composer performs the space live by moving sound around in 3d space.  I believe he built this during the mid to late 60's while under tenure at San Francisco State.
Anyhow,  I would love to participate in the development in a such a venue.

Also,  any musicians interested in performing in the wonderful bio-region of the northwest temperate rain forest of North America? Please contact me.  Humboldt State University is very near where I live. I will do all I can do to facilitate (I work in local TV).  I will also work for trade in exchange for tickets and if we really want to get fancy I can put together some grant proposals to fund a documentary. If you can offer a reasonable amount of seed money things could take off really fast.

I'm about finished....first, if there are any veterans of the San Diego club scene, particularly Club Zoo, Stratus, and Studio Nine...  and later;  the Pirhana Room, and some of Zweigs projects... I want to hear from you.  Especially if you remember me, my name is Rhett.  I'm not nostalgic its just that those times and places really played an important role in my early adulthood.  I really need to get involved in something as exciting to me as those times were.

I've got to go read the interview with Kim Cascone at ctheory, which by the way is how I arrived here.