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Re: [microsound] Re: 12k presents: term.

> >
> > term.

> That's deep, man.
> Pure data huh ? What's that supposed to mean anyway ? Why can't you just
> say they're mp3 only releases and instead spew off all that other
> pretentious nonsense. I suppose if I download a Britney Spears mp3 that
> would also be "pure data and imageless sound information" since I didn't
> buy a cd I can hold in my hand.
> This is the kind of thing that gets on my nerves about "microsound".
> Andrei

ah pardon me andrei, but I was happy that they provided a new definition of the term,
which was not in my Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English... Hi Hi... And Sogar
music is good.
have a nice day / philippe

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