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re: 12k's term

From: Andrei <andrei@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: 12k presents: term.
Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.4.40.0201161916200.8634542-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

That's deep, man.

Pure data huh ? What's that supposed to mean anyway ? Why can't you just
say they're mp3 only releases and instead spew off all that other
pretentious nonsense. I suppose if I download a Britney Spears mp3 that
would also be "pure data and imageless sound information" since I didn't
buy a cd I can hold in my hand.

This is the kind of thing that gets on my nerves about "microsound".


while it might sound like a lot of rhetoric to you, for me it was very important, internally, to come up with a precise concept.. one that had relation to 12k's more "proper" label aspect... it was important to me to make this distinction as opposed to just slapping some MP3s up on the web..

if it's too much for you to deal with you can ignore it and just download the files.. or ignore everything altogether.. but, like it or not, when one is trying to run a label (or any business for that matter) writing press releases that make an attempt at sounding interesting is part of the whole job..

i suppose i could take your advice and change it to say:

"12k presents term, a bunch of MP3 releases"

it's catchy.. in a britney spears sort of way..


-- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + taylor deupree/12k/line taylor@xxxxxxx http://www.12k.com

now: term. - http://www.12k.com/term

12k1017 cascone + chartier + deupree | after | CD
LINE_008 richard chartier | of surfaces | CD

frank bretschneider + taylor deupree | balance | CD | mille plateaux | feb 2002

Loop: a panel discussion/performance | P.S.1 | NYC | jan 19 2002
taylor deupree + sogar + sol | paris | feb 1 2002