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Re: [microsound] re: 12k's term

"kranning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <kranning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> quoted
    Kenric McDowell <kenricm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
: > Trying to work conceptually and poetically at once is an honorable goal.
: > It might come across as pretentious but who cares; it's very gratifying
: > when it works. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
: Strike a pose
: [rest of lyrics deleted]

Wow!  I didn't know that Madonna's music was microsound.

Pretense is part of what it means to be human; my year-old son has
already discovered how to pretend.  Metaphor and simile are forms
of pretense, so you could say that all poetry is, in some sense,
pretense.  As is humor.  And so forth.

Now, why is it that I have the feeling that some folks (including,
perhaps, Madonna), are confusing pretense and deception?  It may
be a thin line, but it's an important distinction.  Intent matters.
