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re: MAX/MSP VST and csound~

Yes it can, I can run my 'Microcomputer' Plugin inside Max/MSP and
there is a VST Intstrument Player Host Software which is made with

>I just realiesed that MAX can HOST VST plugings and effects . Does this
>include VST instruments and the later VST2 Plugins?
>COuld be amusing using MAX to HOst REaktor.. - best of both worlds.

Max running Csound~ is probably the best thing that happened to me in the last year. I have been dreaming of a merger between these two languages for the last 6 years. :)

In my opinion, this is the absolute best of both worlds. Csound synthesis/processing engine and Max/ MSP control & IO. not to mention one can still use .sco events for very time-specific parts of the piece when they are necessary.


_one thought : many forms_
