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herbs and spice and coding

paul webb <paulwebb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote

>I don't think ANY computer language (expecially text
>based ones)are very human  at the moment...I think
>perl is very terse...just like like the rest
>    while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {shift; last if
>/^--$/;if (/^-D(.*)/) { $debug = $1 }if (/^-v/)     {
>$verbose++  }#
>...		# other switches
>(random sample of perl code)
>and not even slightly human!!!

unless you happen to be netochka nezvanova....

j  u  l  i  a  n     k  n  o  w  l  e  s
course co-ordinator electronic arts
co-ordinator/senior lecturer in music technology
school of contemporary arts (music), university of western sydney
web: http://www.geocities.com/socialinterior/