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Re: mbox

> From: Julian Knowles <j.knowles@xxxxxxxxxx>

> i'd suggest to you that if you want to use protools, avoid the PC.
> Its very broken on the PC and i'm not sure why digidesign is
> pretending this app is cross platform.

i have no first-hand experience of protools on pc, but the the pc version(s)
appeared after avid bought (i think) digidesign. that's propably the reason
(avid being pc-platform video editing).

to my knowledge, both the pc versions of protools le and FREE haven't
received any major updates, don't work on newer windows os's, etc etc.

strangely enough, they have just released a pc-version of the tdm-system or
'big' protools, so they are still trying.

the lack of plug-in support may be a bigger problem, thought...


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