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Re: [microsound] Re: grabbing people with a statement

In a message dated 3/8/02 1:20:19 AM, csorg@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

<< One might be

tempted to say that meaning is "supplied by the listener" but there is an

encoding process going on by the producer of sound as well.  I do not think

that social or aural interference suggests there is no meaning supplied by

the producer.  It's a two way street.  It exists whether you recognize it or

not. >>

I was taking the point of view of the listener.  The producer can invest as 
much meaning as they want in their sound but the meaning is separate from the 
sound itself. If the listener can't decode, then there is no meaning in the 
discourse being presented - for the listener.  I think this is a 
"signifier"/"signified" dichotemy but I'm no authority on semiology.