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Re: [microsound] Where Music Will Be Coming From

In a message dated 18/3/02 6:48:44 pm, recursive_syntax@xxxxxxxxx writes:

>head space was a little all over the place
I can certainly empathise with that. Two years ago, I crashed badly out of a 
PhD due to some profound personal problems, made a bit of a tit of myself on 
this list once or twice, then made bags of money programming a training CDROM 
for British gas which I blew on excessive quantities of drugs. As a 
consequence Ive made no music for quite some time now. However its been 
reading this list (and others) that has kept me hungry to get back down to 
earth and produce some sounds. Im hoping to reintroduce myself to fellow 
microsounders as a human being again pretty soon.
Without wanting to sound too mawkish about things, I have to say that by and 
large this is a pretty inspirational list and its nice to find a resonance 
with others who dont get too wound up about anything much besides the noise.
Now I work for peanuts above the minimum wage in an art gallery and its a 
relief to be able to make my noise without worrying about the other stuff.
