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Re: [microsound] internal organ recording

"ph!L (t:h:o:m:s:o:n)" wrote:

> since headphones are speakers, and speakers are just microphones in
> reverse,
> you can just plug a pair of headphones into a mic jack and record
> away,
> although the quality is not always the best. incidentally, i've also
> used a
> mic as a speaker. it's somewhat disconcerting to hear voices coming
> out of a
> microphone!

Yeah, they're basically the same thing, the main difference is
impedance matching.  The main rule they teach in audio
engineering it to have your source be 1/10th the impedance
of what your plugging it into.....but then most of the
music we create is breaking also those rules anyway!!!
(and thank god for that!).

Here's a article I grabbed ages ago:
(credit to Scott Dorsey)

Subject: Speaker as mic

> >Thanks all.
> >
> >So as for the wiring, can someone explain the wiring?
> >
> >Do I just solder the 2 speaker wires to the pins of the XLR? which pins?
> You can try putting pins 2 and 3 to the voice coil, with pin 1 run to the
> frame.  If you do this, you get an 8-ohm mike and the low output voltage
> is not so optimal, but it might do the job well enough.
> For better performance, the same transistor radio that you took the speaker
> out of also has a 50-ohm to 8-ohm audio output transformer.  Use that wired
> in reverse to turn the thing into a 50-ohm mike.  Still not as nice as
> having a 600 ohm source impedance but it's free.


"One woman can make you fly like an eagle,
another can give you the strength of a lion,
but only one, in the cycle of life, can fill
your heart with wonder and the wisdom that
you have know a singular joy."

Hawk from Twin Peaks.

Kerry Uchida

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