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RE: [microsound] laptops kim's article

By the way - 
Chiming in with the ol' "download it for convenience, then buy it so the
writer/musician can eat" argument :)

If Kim's article is from Parachute, which I think it is, I've got a piece on
sonics and the body coming out in the summer issue of Parachute as well.
Looks like it'll be an interesting issue... so keep your eyes peeled. I
believe it's to hit shelves at the end of May, right around MUTEK.

-----Original Message-----
From: stephan mathieu [mailto:sssst@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 1:13 AM
To: microsound
Subject: re: [microsound] laptops kim's article

> is it possible to have access to the hotline server, please? there is no
> answer from Eric or Kim since several days for delivering login and psw...
> So it's impossible for us to read the Kim's paper....

ok, dont know if i'm violating against any publishing rights now, but -
you'll find the pdf at
for the time being. 
 - stephan