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laptops kim's article
One thought on reading Kim's article: the reference to "Trend surfing: Pop
stars that look for ways to look 'cool by proxy'"...There is an implicit -
and really curious - authenticity/inauthenticity dichotomy in this
remark--not a quirk of this one writer, of course. I'm just puzzled, though,
how the evocation of Walter Benjamin in the "aura" of the title, and with
that Benjamin's general thesis re. art & reproduction, jibes with a
CANONICAL DJ & electronica culture...The worldwide corporate, commercial
co-optation of "cool" (hello, Apple!) is so well-recognized, and yet it
spoils the sweet adolescent thrill of cabal-membership too much to
acknowledge fully...When Bjork ranks among "pop stars" trifling with token
laptops - old story in musicology: the banjo in Weill; the saxophone in Berg
- then I'm hard-pressed to see just where the laptop "signifier" will find
its apotheosis, here-and-now. This way of thinking DOES seem to come from,
or lead naturally to, laptop fetishism (which is as extraneous to real
music-making as, say, a Fender Les Paul fetish once was...I've also heard
that Jaco Pastorius would sometimes find himself with a session, but no
bass; but would use whatever instrument came to hand, whatever he could
scrouge up...). These questions & controversies regarding laptop performance
are so evocative of other such musical "controversies," and would could
probably be well-elucidated through them: Charlie Parker recording with
strings, Miles going all-electric; and so on, and so on...
Now, that's not to say that I don't partake in that fetishism myself: I love
Reaktor on my Dell Inspiron; love Kid 606, Hrvatski, et al.--but must admit
that I won't jump up & head downtown to see 'em when I see notice of a show!
- Greg Little
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