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Re: [microsound] short review: tetsu inoue / carl stone =?unknown?b?lg==?= pict.soul


don't forget carl stone, a winner in his own right. you can get some free mp3s of his above. sorry if you have to register or something, i can't remember. just put a buncha malarchi, i don't think it matters. i also think that carl is big in japan.  

this disc is for real good. i mean come on, it's on the cycling '74 label for chrissakes. (speaking of which, Kim's release on the same label won't play here on my work computer. i guess the macintosh code is upsetting to my dreaded winNT (which is in turn upsetting to me). long live the banana seat. 

"it's really wonderful that tetsu inoue exists on this

dude, he's only visiting...

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