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Re: [microsound] laptop hell

David Fodel wrote:

> someone mentioned the recent "Plaid" show in this thread... and I think they
> did a pretty good job of incorporating video into their show... (which used
> laptops solely as audio sources)
> it moved between images of their hands on the laptops and mixer (which were
> captured by this cool little remote controlled robot cam) and images that
> were suggestive of visual themes, which tied into the music... without being
> too literal or narrative. I found it to be "entertaining" without seeming
> predictable, although I wished it was a bit more "narrative" actually, a
> little less abstract, such that concepts could be picked up on via the
> visuals and carried along shifting between vehicles (audio and video)...

Yeah, the narative side of it is a tough one to do, but amazing when you
can.  The narrative side takes a whole other side of planning, developing
and execution.

Normally don't we all just barely get the sound portion for our shows
ready at the last minute.....doesn't leave a whole lot of time to come
up with a narrative visual element......hehehe.


Kerry Uchida

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"Since I have always preferred making
plans to executing them, I have always
gravitated towards situations and systems
that, once set into operation, could create
music with little or no intervention on my part" Eno