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Re: [microsound] laptop hell
on 4/20/02 2:34 PM, edo at edo@xxxxxxx or somebody wrote:
> This does not mean that the performance is
>> not real, or as good musically as any other performance
2 cents from a lurker
I would not even bother to go along and hear a performance of classical
piano or pretty much anything else if I knew the performer had only been
playing for, 5 years say. Musical skill and performance ability takes years
and years of study and practice and hundreds and hundreds of gigs to get
down. Apart from a few outstanding individuals, why should you reasonably
expect somebody who has been playing a powerbook for a couple of years and
whose influences probably go all the way back to Kraftwerk ( crass point
making hyperbole ) to move you with their musical insights?
The tools may make it possible for non musicians to get gigs, but you can't
download musical ability and experience, if somebody is good, you know it on
whatever they play, and however they play it.