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Re: [microsound] laptop hell

"""e problem is: can the laptop performer create this state of aesthetic
experience? Well, I think no. I think the laptop performer is in a situation
of ambiguity where he neither does offer the means to make his process
transparent nor hide it away totally, he doesn¹t manage to create an
"experience" neither one way nor another. Would dare to say that he is in a
situation where he wants to fit the traditional performance model but not
being able to. What would you say about this?
To me the solutions is in trying to find new relationships between audience
and performer. The laptops performers still maintain a oneway direction
attitude toward the audience. You can tell me musicians always look for
feedback on the audience. Ok. But it doesn¹t go further than this."""

Again i have to say it depends on the audience as well as the artist.  How
can you say how others percieve things?  Every one is an individual right?
Why do people go to a laptop show in the first place?

"""The laptops performers still maintain a oneway direction
attitude toward the audience. """

I whole heartedly disagree.  What exactly are we talking about here as well?
Stricktly laptop performance?  Is it still considered a laptop performance
if i nclude traditional instraments?  External hardware an what not?  A' la
squarepusher jamming on his bass guitar, then raching down and going nutso
on his knobby box or whatever peripheral hardware he is using?

And if it is strictly lap top, which for arguments sake we will say is a
laptop and equipment.  No traditional instruments.  How is there no
interaction with the audience.  Are you saying all laptop performers keep
their faces buried in the screens?  Playing with the horseblinders on?  Can
you please substantiate this to me or is it just your opinion?  I know when
i play and from experiencing others over the years that their is just as
much interactivity with audience that exhist in traditional instrumental
performances and electronic/laptop performances.  You think the people that
go to a laptop show are to stupid to understand whats going on?

I recently saw Hrvatski in Tampa.  Half the people that were at the show
specifically came to see him.  The other half had no idea who he was.  He
busted out a very john cage like performance.(which by the way was most
enjoyable)  It was choatic to say the least.  He had their attention, as
well as their curiousity.  He used his laptop in conjucntion with found
objects.  Real time sampling and relooping and blah blah i could go on and
on.  It was a very dense set.

I ask you to please point out the difference between his performance and
what you would call a traditional one?  Yeah he may have not been running
around like Maryln Manson onstage but i would say its because HE DOESNT NEED
TO ENTERTAIN in that sense, physically.  The audience came to experience
HRVATSKI.  Are you saying that the people at the Maryln Manson show were
more entertained?  Interacted more with Maryln?  What is the difference
between the two?

Im shure that all over the world people who repeatedly go to a show that
includes a laptop always leave empty handed.  They had no idea what they
just experienced and always feel no connection with the artist/performer.
For some reason they always come back for more tho.  Wierd isnt it?