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NWEAMO 2002: Call for Submissions!!

NWEAMO 2002: 4th Annual Festival of Electro-Acoustic Music

-- Call for Works --

Note: The deadline has been extended to June 1 (postmark).

The Northwest Electro-Acoustic Music Organization invites submissions for
its fourth annual music festival, which will be held in Portland,
Oregon, on October 4 - 5 and in San Diego, California, on October 11 - 12.

Featured will be works that involve performance art with a strong musical or
sound component derived from the creative use of computers and electronics.
However, all electro-acoustic compositions that are performed live or
presented live with a compelling visual component are welcomed,
including works for acoustic instrument and electronics, live electronic
performance and acousmatic/loudspeaker orchestra, electroacoustic
works featuring video, and installations.

NWEAMO hopes to hear from a spectrum of musicians, including DJ-composers
who have taken the music off the dance floor and sent it on a hip-hopping
odyssey across the galaxy as well as artists who come from classical, jazz,
or other backgrounds and who introduce exciting new electronic-media-based
elements into their work.

Complete information, online submission form and mailing information may be
found on NWEAMO's web site. http://www.nweamo.org/2002form.html

Jon Irving  
Board Member
Northwest Electro-Acoustic Music Organization



sonic planar analysis :: 01

the first Stasisfield compilation featuring ten tracks by capricorn
one, jon irving, J3, john kannenberg, ethan koehler, loam, phluidbox,
pressboard, psychiatric challenge, wireshock

