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Re: Re: Re: Re: PowerBore

thanks everyone for the information...it helps to know what people are feeling and how they are thinking about this subject.

it all comes down to whether the audience gets something worthwhile. if you have come to hear some music and the visual element bores you, perhaps closing the eyes would help. i know that i've been to classical piano performances and not been able to see the pianist's hands...could it be a cd playing? harvey keitel does a hilarious job in the movie "fingers" of pretending to play the piano...he goes through all kinds of body and facial movements...although it is pretty clear he isn't playing.

you could perform a darkened theater...i know a few people who do it, and swear by it. if you are playing on a great sound system, even better...you can't hear it the same way at home...unless you have a superior playback system...then maybe you don't go out much.

kim's mention of milli vanilli is the perfect example of performance. you can never tell what you are going to get...guys staring at laptops in the dark...big video projections of psychedelic morphing shapes and colors...a completely darkened theater with a big pot of coffee brewing...every audience member gets a flavored lollypop to lick while listening/watching...or a little paper envelope, containing a chunk of incense...5 senses...

everyone comes to every performance with expectations. i remember going to a performance art thing years ago by a west coast artist named "bob"...i forget the actual name...there was supposed to be two guys, but only one came over to the east coast for this performance..."the two bobs," "maximum bob" or something like that. the guy played a tape of a pop song at a outrageously loud volume while lip-syncing badly and dancing even worse. he did this for maybe 15 to 20 minutes (the song looped), and then that was it. i went up and told him i was disappointed. he told me that it was a matter of me coming with certain expectations and not receiving what i thought i was going to get. in a wierd way, the performance probably was successful...it made me feel bad, cheated, disappointed, whatever...but i felt something...

time to go to sleep...


best future,
john hudak