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Re: [microsound] Gilles Gobeil

it is nice but not so unheard by now
maybe it can descrubed with clasic dark ambient

> I picked up the two Gilles Gobeil CDs on empreintes DIGITALes last week
> and I have to say they are excellent. Some of the most satisfying
> electronic music I've heard in a while. Really seamless blend of subtle
> processing and all sorts of field recordings (lots of klangy sounds
> and factory/machinery type sounds). Very tastefully done, never falls into
> that contemporary electroacoustic trap where it's like "great, here's lots
> of granular synthesis". His music seems to be guided a lot more by
> his vision rather than by technology. There are actually lots of moments
> in his music which remind me more of things like (David Jackman's)
> Organum rather than "academic" electronic music. There's a very
> "isolationist" vibe to his music.
> His more recent pieces, which are featured on "... dans le silence de la
> nuit ...", seem to revolve a lot more around a quiet stillness which is
> upset by bursts of activity.
> I was kind of surprised by "Traces" a piece from '85 on the older cd is a
> great sort of old school concrete type piece with lots of jarring
> juxtapositions.
> I'm very happy to find that empreintes DIGITALes is proving wrong my long
> held, but kind of uninformed opinion that there hasn't really been any
> good academic electronic music since the 70's.
> And the electrocd.com site is really great. So many audio samples to check
> out. I probably wouldn't have picked up the Gobeil discs if I hadn't been
> able to check out the samples on their site.
> Andrei
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