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Re: [microsound] per point aura
regarding performance:
Alejandra and I have been dealing with this for years, and there is no
"solution". However, the "problem" is part of the fun, because
"solutions" are endless variations called micro evolution
the points are these:
on one side: the circus/rock show/performance art/skillz
on the other: stone cold stares and simple pre recorded playback.
followed by nothing
(funny, but these have been "performance" art as well)
or in otherwords:
no aura
Ok, now to negate this: aura and no aura things become so mixed up
constantly, that there are no extreme poles, but many variations.
There are simply shows that touch a person and shows that do not. The
same show may touch one person and not touch the next person (who is
probably talking to friends over beer to the great annoyance to the
person touched by the show, and the musician who is trying to touch:
But only rare luck will find a whole room full of people who are
totally into any given show. I personally would be bored to death at an
oval show or a sonic youth show, I recognize I am in the minority, but
my point is that taste is wonderfully wide.)
Ok, so how have we decided to perform?
1. act like human beings. Explain a little, make eye contact a
little. BE there, if we are nervous, act nervous, if we are tired, act
tired. if we are excited get excited.
2. give something small, a paper, some plastic, something that places
us. hand it over to the people who are there to see/hear the
performance as what charlemaigne palestine calls a talisman, however
lame. (we have a bootstrap that he found in the street, it is a hideous
purple, but we love it.)
3. tell a story through the music: always. even if it is simple --
especially if it is simple... anti formalism
No Aura
4. very soon: shut our mouths and sit down, no clown act tonight,
sorry. we dont do backflips at home, so we are not going to do them
here either. go to the zoo if you want monkeys
No Aura
5. leave virtuosity to the vivaldi players and hurdy gurdies. You
want athletics, go see the chicago bulls. having stated this, our sound
should be in top form, all files trimmed and lean, soundcheck good (if
they didnt move things in the meantime), and yet conscious that if
mistakes are made, no one will get hurt, dont panic.
perhaps aura
6. somewhere between open and closed
7. we say thanks and go home to sleep. some people will love it, some
hate it, some will have no opinion, but all this is neither here nor
reguarding video: it only works if it is a good video... again subject
to taste. personally, when anything is added to a show that does not
help or hurt: if it is there to impress and not to build, take it away
a laptop is only as interesting as the person behind it
lucky kitchen
damn sweet electronics
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