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listenable / annoying music

I was thinking about this. What do you think: Is there
an objective limit for annoying and listenable music?
Or probably everything depends on personal tastes that
people have?
There are of course many different kinds of music, we
can agree on that. That's why music is interesting,
there are simply different musics.
Is it possible to devide music on listenable and

One of the most unlistenable and very annoying music
i've heard is music on 2 Merzbow albums ? 1930 and
Dharma. And I simply don't want to listen those albums
again. But, on the other hand, I am also aware that
there are people who like to listen that kind of
music. And to them all of this i'm trying to say would
be laughing.

Here is a list of albums I found to be very
listenable: Biosphere ? Substrata; Eno ? On Land,
Neroli, Thursday Afternoon?; Plastikman ? Music,
Consumed?; Microstoria ? Model 3 Step 2, Snd?; Snd ?
makesndcassette; Komet ? Rausch; Pan Sonic ?
Aaltopiiri; Ulrich Schnauss ? Far away trains passing
by; Christian Kleine ? Valis; Mogwai ? Rock Action;
Tortoise ? Tnt; Kanovanik music; Fennesz ?and many

Now I guess I should be asking myself are they really
listenable, or i'm just thinking they are? What is
better ? controled or random sounds? Is it true that
everyone can make one album to sound like Merzbow? (I
think it's true).
Is microsound listenable by default or not?
Is there a difference between microsound and noise?

But also there is one more thing ? Cray album Undo
(Bip-Hop) was my personal no.1 album for 2001. That
album is cerainly less listenable than all albums i
mentioned before, but I still like how it sounds. It's
also obvious that there is a minimal control of sound
on Undo, which for me is good thing, i guess that's
one of the main reasons i like that album , it's
experimental and on the edge, but it's not off the
edge, like Merzbow albums.
It's obvious that there are no rules and concrete
limits in music, but is it possible music to be
generally devided on 2 sides: listenable and annoying?


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