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Re: [microsound] dis/lectures one | hypnogogic sources

i have to say, this is tasty. the sound quality is good, the content is compelling--both spoken word (love the out-of-body-experience material) and underscoring audio components. nice'n'smooth, delicious. i'll be tuning in regularly...


bi-monthly 2-hour webcasts

Please tune in to the first in a new series of audio streams direct from the lair of the pHarmanaut. Each two-hour critmix provides a multi-level survey of both historical and contemporary works in electronic and digital music.

dis/lecture one | Monday 04`29`2002 10pm-midnight MST |

hypnogogic sources / shifting textures mixed from ambient recordings, DSP psychedelia, field recordings, deep listening, space, muffled beats, and hypnotic spoken word

info | stream link | playlist | chat link will be found at http://www.du.edu/~treddell/3900.

-=The pHarmanaut, pH.D.

-- "Be seeing you." ~ No. 6 ~ ____________________________________________________

http://www.radiovalve.com		.turn.it.on.
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Techno Internet Radio
For Electronic Music Culture
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