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Re: [microsound] microsummer
Barcelona's looking hot next month!
and if SONAR is just too damned commercial for ya [but who doesn't love the Pet
Shop Boys???], the Wrong Festival could be the ticket.
ambarchi, massimo, hrvatski, staalplaat... what more could you ask for?
[oh yeah, but i'm SUPER jealous of all you kids that get to play in Montreal!
have a great time!]
Quoting klangfiguren - <klangfiguren@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Dear List,
> OK, I wish I could afford to cross the Atlantic and have a Granulated
> Tequila at Mutek...
> Are there any nice festivals in Europe this (endless?) summer?
> Anything.
> n.p. Luigi Nono-Fragmente stille an Diotima
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