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Re: [microsound] John Waterman Memorial remix project

is there going to be a http://microsound.org/watermann or
http://microsound.org/waterman page for this project?

----- Original Message -----
From: "anechoic" <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 1:59 PM
Subject: [microsound] John Waterman Memorial remix project

> I would like to propose a John Waterman Memorial remix project...this
> project will be done in 2 stages:
> STAGE 1:  people should first create short samples (1 sec - 60 seconds
> from Johns work and then place them in the 'samples' folder in the John
> Waterman Drop Box on the hotline server
> stage 1 deadline: May 1st
> STAGE 2: remixers should use these sample ONLY to create works with and
> then upload their finished pieces into separate folders in the John
> Waterman Drop Box
> stage 2 deadline: June 1st
> all the same rules apply here as to the Parasites and McDonna remix
> - work no longer than 5 minutes in length
> - upload finished work to the microsound hotline server for others to hear
> [microsound hotline server: microsound.synthesizer.org
> also, see http://www.bigredh.com for downloading a PC/MacOS
> hotline client]
> ***IMPORTANT *** - you must FIRST get a password from either eric
> <eric@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> or myself to upload and download files from the
> server and you have to be a listmember in order to get this pswrd
> again, this invite is to microsound list members ONLY
> *put samples here-> path: "Uploads/John Waterman Drop Box/samples"
> *put your pieces here -> path: "Uploads/John Waterman Drop Box/myfolder"
> - remember to name your folder something unique and not 'myfolder"
> the deadline for submissions are posted above
> some guidelines:
> - post only 128kbps 44.1kHz stereo .mp3 files
> - first make a folder within the "Uploads/John Waterman Drop Box" folder
> and upload your finished work there
> - post to the list that you have uploaded your piece (include the name of
> the piece)
> ALL styles of microsound are welcome...
> PLEASE post all comments, suggestions and ideas *to the list* and NOT to
> directly...
> __________________________
> kim.cascone
> kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.anechoicmedia.com
> http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/programmes/webcasting/deleuze.htm
> http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=322
> http://deadtech.net/kim_cascone.htm
> http://fals.ch/fXz/z1.pl?fz=138
> microsound hotline server: microsound.synthesizer.org
> http://www.forcedexposure.com/labels/anechoic.html
> tour_info: http://www.tsjok.com
> anechoicmedia voice mail/text message: +1 415 215 5975
> http://www.mobile.att.net/messagecenter/
> "We're all one beat away from becoming elevator music"
> - Don DeLillo
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> website: http://www.microsound.org