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>for the last 4 months i have been listening to natural sounds, frogs
>crickets, cicadas etc.

Up to this point, I "naturally" assumed you were listening to recordings...

> ('couse i'm living in the thai-jungle and my
>cd-player got stolen (luckyly the bastard dident take my cd's))

At this point, it was very clear to me that I'm NOT living in the Thai jungle.
Ah, well, Oakland's pretty cool, even if the police are rotten.

>so I suppose that when you're enjoying "art", you're not being entertained
>at the same time?

no, but when I'm being entertained, I'm not enjoying art.  To be cross
When I see a movie like "Lord of the Rings," I feel like I was entertained,
but, ultimately, the movie wasn't artistic.  The pacing, dialogue, events,
and relationships presented no new understanding of the world around me.  I
did react to it emotionally with excitement and grins, though.  However, I
didn't look at anything really differently in life as a result, and I
didn't feel like it's presentation engaged my emotions in unexpected ways.
Oddly enough, there was art WITHIN the movie. In particular, Ian McKellan's
acting was amazing.  His voice and face left me with an intangible and
fresh perspective on actors playing a character.  But that wasn't the movie
as a whole that moved me, just his acting.
