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Re: [microsound] 'the freest of radicals' - no type's 2cd label compilation
> while i'm plugging no type, magali babin also has a
> really nice, soft,
> metallic album
this magali babin album is really amazing experimental
music, music without melody and rhythm, but sounds
great. there are some similarities between this magali
babin album and pimmon album 'kinetica', both are
somewhere between improvisation and randomness in
sound. both sound amazing.
> was anybody else more than a bit disappointed by
> biosphere's 'shenzhou' album?
hmm, i respect biosphere, 'substrata' is one of the
best albums for me, all time favourite album. but i
still haven't heard this new album. although, 'the man
with the movie camera' was dissapointing.
but 'birmingham frequencies', 'substrata' and 'nordeim
remixed' by biosphere and deathprod are all
masterpieces, specially if you like more ambient music.
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