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Re: [microsound] master of mastudring
on 6/11/02 11:47 AM, R. Ecalcitrance at
parentheticallyirrefragable@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I'll second Kerry's statement. Since when are Genelecs
>> good speakers?
>> Also, if "awesome hi-end speakers" make the music you
>> enjoy sound flat and boring, then they are bad
>> speakers, period. There is no objective standard for
>> good sounding speakers.
> ?and I think you will have to agree that this guy obviously does not have
> the optimal setup, having ones head up ones ass will interfere with the
> stereo field.
> Akira ?my Genelecs at Universal suck? Rabelais
I've had good luck with tannoys, Especially the axis-coherent coaxial
speakers. The newer budget models are ok. yet if you can find a used pair of
the more expensive kind of monitor(in good shape) . . that will probably
work . It's also important to have a good power amp . . for two reasons : It
gives you a clean , defined sound , especially noticable in the low end ;
and secondly if you need to rock the house you only need to find bigger
speakers and you're ready -to -go..
[ i'd think they'd have urei's at universal audio . . they make some good
monitors , am I right?]