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Re: [microsound] software

Buzz despite havent worked much with it has some tracker modules that can
load samples and have column parameters that work with random and
probability functions. All is needed is just to fill the values.

In reaktor I often use samples followed by a gate kind structure to feed
on/off data to some instrument. The pseudo-randomization can be improved by
"oscillating" the threshold values with some sub-audio oscilator. Or/also
changing the offset parameters of some samplers modules with another
oscilator or even a sequencer. Then you could apply another oscilator to the
sequencer and so on so on till you drive insane...

More flexible structures can be quickly implemented in Csound filling a
wavetable with the sample samples.

> you can randomise the actual playback of a sample in fruity loops by
> associating it with other samples or with empty channels.
> the probability of the original sample being actually played when triggered
> is 1/n where n is the number of channels associated with the original
> sample.  for example, if you had a sample, made an association with two
> other sample channels, every time your original sample was triggered,
> there'd be a 1 in 3 chance it would trigger either the 1st, 2nd or 3rd
> samples. pretty handy for setting up big systems of probability inside a
> fairly structured composing environment.   this works real time aswell - so
> every time you play back a song with commands like this it will be a
> different permutation.  to do this it depends on what version you run
> though.... up to 3.1 you use the set and get commands to set/reveal channel
> associations, in 3.4 you need a layer channel to control the channels to be
> randomised.
> {:
> :
> :......   ... ..  . . ..  ..
> .::::.::::.:Paul Abad:::::.....:....::::
> .:T: 07 33427344::: :::: :::.::  ::.::.::.::.:::.
> .::M: 0414 783660:::::::: :::::: :::::..::::.
> .:::E: paulabad@xxxxxxxxx:::.:::::
> .::::W: www.zonar.net/abad/::::
> .:..:.......:....:.....::...:.:::.:.:::::..::.::::.:::::....
> :
> :
> :}
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "aleks" <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 10:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [microsound] software
>> You can randomize each step but that wouldnt help you in realtime i guess.
>> You could use the FLP loop player and turn the shuffle all the way up
> which
>> would 100% randomize when it is played.  Hope that helps.  I'll look into
>> it.
>> aLEKs
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