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Re: [microsound] And there's the rub

Yes, you're totally right. I have to pubblicly apologize.
I'm sorry for the stupid question (I didn't thought it would have 
generated all this; I was too much naive).
Now let's go back to sounds.

> ..And some of you wonder why there are few girls active on this list.
  It's called a self-
perpetuating cycle.  I stay on this list (as I have for 3+ years) for t
he discussions of the sounds & the culture, and I do my best to ignore 
the many threads -- such as this one -- that make me want to unsub.  
> I think we can all get our heads around this logic: the biggest probl
em with asking "Hey, where's the girls?" is that this sets up an expect
ation that the number of us actually on the list is equal to (or simila
r to) the number who waste their time responding to that question.
> Now excuse me, I'll get back to work.
> _________________
>  Kala Pierson
>  k@xxxxxxxxxx
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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... e.g.ø :: http://eeegggooo.cjb.net
   ongoing exhibitions:
..: http://www.stasisfield.com/space/
:. http://www.ikatun.com/digitalpocketgallery/